Imelda’s vision for Los Angeles’ Council District Six is to be a regional leader by implementing inclusive economic, social, and environmental policies.
When we come together, Los Angeles thrives.
Top Issues:
The disproportionate impact that Council District Six faces with the unsheltered crisis is a critical issue that the City Council must address holistically. As councilwoman, I plan to address the unintended consequences of municipal code 85.02, which pushed RV’s into our industrial corridors causing a lack of parking for businesses owners, customers and workers. It is incredibly unacceptable that we have allowed as a city for these individuals to park and live in the regions with the worst air-quality, we need to do better.
The district is filled with encampments looming throughout, and yet our housing departments are doing very little to make a visible impact.
I will prioritize implementing an immediate solution to the unhoused crisis because what is currently occurring is not working.
I will propose an emergency remediation of encampments, connecting the unhoused population to essential services that will support them in finding housing, employment, and health services.
I will work cohesively with all stakeholders, residents, non-profits organizations, religious leaders, business owners and health organizations to develop and implement sensible hyper-local solutions that make our communities safer, sanitary, and sustainable.
In addition to helping service organizations find more beds and resources to increase their capacities to help and support the unhoused, I will also make sure that any new housing opportunities increase our affordable housing options. My goal is that local-homeless individuals and families can stay regional to their family-support networks instead of pushed out miles away from the streets and areas they call home.
The future of the Los Angeles Police Department and our public safety goals should include a preventative model rather than a reactive model that sends too many to prison. As someone who comes from a family that has been impacted by the school-to-prison pipeline, this is incredibly personal for me.
Individuals facing adversity need resources that inspire them into more productive members of society if given a second chance and opportunities to thrive, especially if one comes from a background of trauma that still needs healing. The community has not been there with resources to help our vulnerable individuals, but I truly think our public-safety officers can be a partner to change that culture if we work together.
Residents of all ages should feel safe in their homes, communities, and local shops. As your representative, I will work with the local Police Captains to ensure they have the resources they need to increase public safety, emergency response times, while simultaneously working with the department to identify innovative community-centric models of policing.
I will also work with the local leaders, subject-matter experts, and advocates to find innovative ways in responding to 911 that are better suited for mental health professionals. Currently, some police stations are working on pilot programs where they partner with social enterprises to help individuals calling 911 for mental health support. These types of community-based programs are what I would like to expand for the residents of council district six.
Countless entrepreneurs shared that the City of Los Angeles makes it very difficult to start a business and thus generate jobs. My goal is to support innovation and all entrepreneurs interested in investing in the region. As a creative city, I welcome diverse business opportunities that provide a positive economic impact to the district.
Council District six has so many opportunities to bring good quality jobs for future generations. Well paying green jobs should be filling our industrial buildings, which many sit vacant after the pandemic. Also, we need to support small shop owners so they can be competitive.
City Hall needs to end this culture of reactionary policy rather than create more business opportunities. We must foster a business environment that gives opportunity to all entrepreneurs. It’s time City Hall leaders work on creating policy and programs that assist new innovative ideas instead of stalling it. I am looking forward to working with entrepreneurs who envision success in this community.
The best way to address the quality of life issues in our neighborhoods is by prioritizing projects that will best serve the community at large. As development projects are built within the district, they must serve for the betterment of our neighborhoods with proper analysis from planning and community input.
Two major transportation projects are scheduled to come into council district six, Van Nuys Corridor Light-Rail and the California High Speed Rail in Sun Valley. I will make sure that these developments do not displace residents but instead increase our quality of life with amenities that our families, seniors, youth and adults will enjoy!
We need to continue the work of fixing sidewalks and adding ramps for ADA usages, we must work with the Department of Water and Power to continue investing in water-saving infrastructure and making the Sun Valley generating plant a place that produces energy through greener technologies.
I believe that the City of Los Angeles can ensure equitable and sustainable development. We can fix our sidewalks, make them safe for children who walk to school, seniors who need to get around our neighborhoods, more public transit, green space and high speed internet in public spaces.
I grew up attending our local parks and still use them today. Since the pandemic, park directors are facing challenges finding coaches to program sports, forced to cut watering usage due to the drought, and having insufficient staff to manage the parks within the regions. It is my goal to help our parks have all the resources they need to be properly programmed, funded, manicured, and properly patrolled so that neighbors feel safe from dusk to dawn.
Our libraries are the most underrated amenity in our community. We must increase the accessibility of our library programs, resources, and services. The support they offer our youth, seniors, and residents are essential.
I want to increase the hours of operation so that all families have access to wifi, internet and academic resources. As the new generation begins to close the digital divide, we must remember that the library is a collective space to help make that happen.
Growing up I was part of the Los Angeles City Council Youth Commission, it was one of the best experiences of my youth. However, the program did not survive past 2007. Today the opportunities available to our youth are scattered and vary by council district. When I am on councilI I will work to bring more opportunities to the district by funding recreational programs at parks, and literacy and homework help at our libraries.
In addition, I will work with our local nonprofits to support seasonal jobs for youth so that they too can be part of helping their families thrive. We can hire youth to do work on things like community clean ups, internships with the City, and so much more. In short, it will be my priority to invest in our future generations.
In 2003 Imelda Padilla got her first job as a receptionist at Marco Chiropratic Center.
In 2004, Imelda Padilla got her second job at Property ID as an intern for the Accounting Department.
Upon returning from college, Imelda Padilla joined the Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council and was an active member of the Land Use Committee.
In 2017, Imelda Padilla joined the Los Angeles Valley College Foundation Board
Paid for by Imelda Padilla for LA City Council 2023 – Office Holder Account, ID# 1456180
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